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Windmills Tilted, Scared Cows Butchered, Lies Skewered on the Lance of Reality ... or something to that effect.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Will Rogers reads from the newspaper in the 1920s
He could have been 'reading' the same things today!
'Caveman' thwarts store robber with step ladder
A quick-thinking customer, known only as "Caveman," grabbed a step ladder and hit the suspect at least once Monday. The customer chased the suspect from the store using the ladder as protection.
Police said the suspect had threatened to cut the store clerk's neck if money wasn't handed over. Police said the suspect escaped with some money, but he dropped much of it when he was hit with the ladder.
Police are still searching for the suspect.
'Caveman' in action!
Man accused of ketchup theft says bottle was planted
An eccentric former school board trustee known for espousing conspiracy theories has taken the witness stand in his own defense in a petty theft trial involving a bottle of ketchup. Steve Rocco is accused of stealing the 14-ounce bottle from a dining area outside the cafeteria at Chapman University.
He testified Tuesday that authorities planted the ketchup near his bicycle on the campus last year to make it look like a theft when he was actually recycling the bottle.
Prosecutors said they tried to settle the case by getting Rocco to agree to stay away from the university. but he declined and insisted on a trial.
The former Orange Unified School District trustee is widely known in political circles for his railings against an alleged conspiracy of Orange County leaders he calls the "partnership" and the dark glasses and cap he wore to nighttime school board meetings.
Rocco could face up to six months in jail if convicted of the misdemeanor petty theft charge, though prosecutors say they would likely ask for probation.
Boy used handgun to rob bank
Police said the teen used the gun to rob South Side Bank on Monday.
He fled the bank with the weapon and a bag of money wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, black pants and a red bandanna on his face.
Police apprehended him 36 minutes after the robbery was reported - the money bag contained a red dye package that had exploded and the teen's sweatshirt was covered with red dye.
Authorities found the gun and money near where they arrested the boy.
Burger King yanks controversial ad
Controversial ad
Meals that melt pounds
Unusual Holidays and Celebrations
It is also: Take A Wild Guess Day and That Sucks Day.
Sort of a themed day don't you think?
Apples explain why leaves change colour in autumn
Why leaves change colour in autumn
String for everyone
String theory: A beginner's guide
It is one of the most famous ideas in modern physics, but string theory is also strange and difficult to understand. Our guide should help you get started
Spam tramples environment with huge carbon footprint
Spam tramples environment
Not only email spam but Spam does as well - let's rid ourselves of both!
Star crust is 10 billion times stronger than steel
Stronger than steel
Science News
Need a new Job or a Job for that matter?
The company needs to find a new 'wolfman' to scream from the woods at passing steam trains for 48 hours a week:
The new Wolfie, as he is affectionately known, must be over 18, be willing to grow a beard and eschew soap, and work up to 48 hours a week for $12 an hour.
The Wolfman, for the uninitiated, is one of Clark's Trading Posts most unique attractions, aside from, of course, the trained bear shows, which celebrate their 60th anniversary this summer.
During the daily steam train rides aboard the White Mountain Central Railroad, it's the Wolfman's job to scare the beejeebees out of the passengers, whom he believes are trying to jump his precious Unobtainium claim. He bursts out of the woods driving an ancient automobile, sets off firecrackers and yells at passengers to go home.
On the return journey, passengers have learned that to send the Wolfman back into the woods, they have to shout back "Scram you old goat!"
Best cities for jobs
International Crisis Group: Armenia should withdraw from Azerbaijani territories that it occupies
Turkey and Armenia should seize their best opportunity yet to normalize relations, work on a new approach to shared history and open a European border that for nearly a century has been hostage to conflict.
A separate but related issue, the stalemated Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, still risks undermining final agreement on the Turkey and Armenia normalization package.
Armenia, together with Azerbaijan, should ultimately adopt the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group basic principles for settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict of the OSCE, and Armenia should withdraw from Azerbaijani territories that it occupies.
Kenyan man bites python in struggle to survive
A Michigan farmer gets a shock with 5-lamb birth
A Michigan farmer whose ewe gave birth to twins found himself carefully counting sheep when he later discovered three more lambs.
Deep doo wouldn't do for Texas cattle rancher
Mack Stark figures cattle raisers can appreciate the name of his west central Texas ranch and makes no apologies for the words in big black letters on the steel arch over the dirt and gravel driveway.
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Daily Horoscope
Spinning plates is your specialty, so don't even flinch if a few more items will get added to your list unexpectedly.
You're in 'the Zone' and a few more projects won't make much difference to you!
Plus, accepting new tasks with a smile will go a long way toward impressing other people.
You make it look easy and people are amazed by how you keep that relaxed look on your face.