- It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything.
- I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency.
- This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
- ~ H. L. Mencken
Welcome to ...
Windmills Tilted, Scared Cows Butchered, Lies Skewered on the Lance of Reality ... or something to that effect.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
And I Quote
Fight over Davy Crockett's marriage license
Fight over Davy Crockett's marriage license
A historic paper that was never put to use sparks a tug of war between a state and an elderly lady.
Senegal's Renaissance Woman Statue May Have To Cover Her Legs

The giant group of man, woman and infant perched on a hill overlooking the capital Dakar is bigger than New York's Statue of Liberty and is due to be inaugurated in April.
But the pet project of President Abdoulaye Wade has been mired in controversy and condemned by religious leaders in the overwhelmingly Muslim country as un-Islamic for presenting the human form as an object of worship.
Naked Naga saints to use Kumbha Mela to campaign against global warming
Naga Sadhus are using the upcoming gathering of Hindus in India as a means to promoting a campaign against global warming.
When thousands of naked Hindus speak, will the world listen?
That's what the Naga Sadhus hope will happen starting later this month, when they spread their anti-global warming message during Kumbha Mela, the largest gathering of Hindus in the world.
Debt collection capital of the U.S.
Debt collection capital of the U.S.
One of the poorest cities in the country is now home to thousands of debt collectors.
Obama's Oval Office makeover
Obama's Oval Office makeover
With subtle additions, the president has made the space uniquely his own.
Are people really stupid enough to joke about terrorism at the airport?
A German man was temporarily detained at Stuttgart airport on Tuesday after he repeatedly told security personnel that he had explosives in his underwear, police said.
The 42-year-old man apparently was joking about the failed attempt by a Nigerian man to blow up a jetliner bound for Detroit on Christmas Day by igniting explosives concealed in his underwear.
Beware Who Fixes Your Broken Laptop
A new study highlights privacy breaches that happen when PCs are sent to data-recovery and repair firms.
Beware Who Fixes Your Broken Laptop
Vegas shooter had 'lengthy' criminal history
Authorities say a gunman shot dead in a gun-battle after killing a courthouse security guard and wounding a federal marshal in Las Vegas had a "lengthy" criminal history in Tennessee and California.
Full StoryProfiling terrorists ...
Behavior, not religion or ethnicity, should be the focus
But the 23-year-old Nigerian with reputed ties to al-Qaeda did succeed at doing one thing.
He restarted the debate in this country over whether U.S. efforts to improve airline security should include racial, ethnic or religious profiling of passengers.
Even when we come this close to tragedy, the answer is clear: No. It shouldn’t.
It’s wrong to single out whole groups of people based on some arbitrary characteristic.
For instance, just because a majority of terror suspects arrested or killed by U.S. officials since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were Muslim males, it does not logically follow that all or most Muslim males are terrorists.
But aside from the moral objections, as we’ve seen, profiling by characteristic isn’t very efficient.
A couple of funnies
The couple soon found themselves standing in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, welcoming them to Heaven. The young woman asks Peter if they could get married in Heaven, since their time on Earth was cut short. He replies that he'll get back with them on that request.
A month later, St. Peter finds them and announces that they can - in fact - get married in Heaven. To his surprise, the woman asks "Just wondering, if things don't work out will we be able to get a divorce?"
With a stern look in his eye, Peter blurts out "Look lady, it took me a month to find a preacher up here... you really think I'm gonna find a lawyer?"
A burglar broke into a house one night. He shined his flashlight around, looking for valuables, and when he picked up a CD player to place in his sack, a strange, disembodied voice echoed from the dark saying, “Jesus is watching you.” He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight off, and froze. When he heard nothing more after a bit, he shook his head, promised himself a vacation after the next big score, then clicked the flashlight on and began searching for more valuables.
Just as he pulled the stereo out so he could disconnect the wires, clear as a bell he heard, “Jesus is watching you.”
Freaked out, he shined his light around frantically, looking for the source of the voice.
Finally, in the corner of the room, his flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot. “Did you say that?” the burglar hissed at the parrot.
“Yep,” the parrot confessed, and then squawked, “I’m just trying to warn you.” The burglar relaxed, “Warn me, huh?” Who in the world are you?
“Moses,” replied the bird. “Moses?” the burglar laughed. “What kind of people would name a bird Moses?”
“The kind of people that would name a Pit Bull Jesus!!!”
Three from Treehugger
Image credit: mattspinner/Flickr
In South and Southeast Asia, monkeys and people are synanthropic. It sounds complicated, but all this means is that they share the same ecological niche.
Some species, like macaques, are very similar in behavior, diet, and even anatomical composition to their human neighbors. Now, some scientists are taking advantage of these similarities by using macaques as sentinels for urban toxicity.
Photo via NY Times. A satellite image of East Siberian Sea
The US has revived a promising CIA data-sharing program that was shut down by the Bush administration. In it, the nation's top spies and best climate scientists are collaborating to study the effects of climate change on the environment, making use of some of the world's most cutting-edge intelligence gathering equipment. From spy satellites to state-of-the-art censors, the CIA has given the scientific community access to tools with which to uncover a veritable goldmine of climate and environmental data. More declassified satellite imagery after the jump.
Screenshot via BBC video
Thousands of octopuses have washed up on the shore of northern Portugal and scientists are stumped about why. They're calling it an environmental disaster, and are issuing a rather strange warning.
Chili peppers burn your butt
With a title like "Red Hot Chilli Consumption Is Harmful in Patients Operated for Anal Fissure—A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Study", you know you're in for a wild ride.
Yes, doctors in India really did take two groups of patients scheduled for a sphincterotomy and randomly assign one group to receive 1.5 grams of dried chili powder twice a day, while the other got a placebo. And—perhaps unsurprisingly—it turned out that ingesting 3 daily grams of chili powder makes an already painful anal area even more uncomfortable.
But why—aside from some sort of perverse sadistic streak—would anyone conduct such a study? (And, more importantly, why the hell would anyone sign up to be one of the research subjects?) What seems like a pointless waste of time and money makes a lot more sense when you consider culture.
Indian food, as you may have noticed, is generally on the spicy side. Cutting peppers out of your diet in Mumbai is more of a challenge than in, say, Peoria. So, even though everybody pretty much already agreed—anecdotally—that hot peppers were a bad thing for anal-fissure patients, the researchers wanted some hard cause-and-effect proof that the relatively big lifestyle change those patients were being told to make was actually worth making. Even the amount of chili powder the subjects received was modeled to mimic the amount eaten by an average Indian at lunch and dinner.
My point: Sometimes, "stupid" studies really do have a point—one that's easy to miss if you're too tightly focused on "common sense". Besides, if it weren't for research like this, we'd all miss out on such fabulously titled graphs as "Effect of chili consumption and placebo on anal burning in the first 7 days after sphincterotomy". Small price to pay, really.
Full text of paper from the journal Digestive Surgery
Best Buy Swindling Customers
Troops protect chimps from volcano lava
Troops protect chimps from volcano lava
Science News
Scientists reveal there is not one but two types of killer whale living in UK waters. |
Continental refuses to let Joan Rivers on flight, worried she might be security risk
Joan Rivers deemed too suspicious to fly
The celeb is booted from a flight in Costa Rica when a gate agent finds her passport fishy.
The best time of year to sell your home
The best time of year to sell your home
Traditionally, the best time to sell has been spring, but experts say this year could be different.
Simple steps to trim your spending
4 simple steps to trim your spending
You can probably save more than you think just by reining in small expenses.
Hidden dangers of popular diets
Hidden dangers of popular diets
Despite their promises of weight loss, these five diets may actually threaten your health.
Warren Buffett warns a company
Warren Buffett warns a company
The billionaire investor finds himself in the middle of a merger battle between two food giants.
China Accused of Piracy by California Software Maker Seeking $2.2 Billion
China Accused of Piracy by California Software Maker Seeking $2.2 Billion
Survey shows declining job satisfaction
Why Americans are so unhappy at work
As the job satisfaction rate hits an all-time low, experts warn of serious flaws in the system.
Al-Qaeda's influence in Yemen
To get an idea of the state of mind of the men here in Yemen who run al-Qaeda in the Arabia peninsula, just take a look at what they said about the failed attack on the US airliner on Christmas Day.
Full StoryLondon Zoo keepers make annual animal head count
Keepers at London Zoo are counting more than sheep. Three giant Galapagos tortoises, a Komodo dragon, and a critically endangered baby mangabey monkey are among the new residents at the central London zoo to be included in this year's annual head count.
Full StoryBoy's Play-Doh Confiscated By TSA Agent
Thus, a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent confiscated a young boy's Play-Doh on a post-Christmas flight out of New Orleans last week.
Frigid Temps Settle In; Cause Concerns For Schools & Homeless
Frigid Temps Settle In; Cause Concerns For Schools & Homeless
The Big Wingnut Con Begins in 2010...."Don't Get Fooled Again"
Now that we've begun a new decade, the right wing will begin their new con game, and their "mark' will be the American people. What's a mark?
A confidence trick or confidence game (also known as a bunko, con, flim flam, gaffle, grift, hustle, scam, scheme, swindle or bamboozle) is an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence. The victim is known as the mark, the trickster is called a confidence man, con man, or con artist, and any accomplices are known as shills.
Typically con men feed on dishonest people, but in politics they focus on the unsuspecting. What we've learned from the previous decade is that conservatism is a total failure when it comes to governance. Under Bush and Cheney we've had a massive terrorist attack, two wars, torture and a global financial meltdown. We've had Hurricane Katrina expose how conservatives respond to Americans after a natural disaster hits two states. We've had government corruption at the highest order, which resulted in Cheney's chief of staff being convicted of multiple felonies. We had the horrendous Terry Schiavo affair. We had a news network actively become a propaganda arm of the GOP. We had Wall Street inflate a mortgage bubble that almost turned into another Great Depression.
I can go on and on, but because of a timid media, they will be allowed to perpetrate their newest con. "Only conservatism can save America," will be their motto. If the media actually acted like an independent monitor of the news, we might stand a chance against the new scam, but we know better. Drudge rules their world.
The GOP is brilliant at one thing, and that is tearing people down. Because they left this country in such tatters it's an easy scam to pull off, because hard-working Americans are vulnerable pickings. They have to try and survive in a world destroyed by conservative values. The con is easy. Just blame everything on President Barack Obama. All your job woes, all your fears about how your life will recover and the future that it holds for your children. If we had a real media that would expose the Bush regime for the manifest failure it was, it would be a much harder task, but we don't, and instead news programming has turned more into endless right/left opinion discussions.
"Don't Get Fooled Again" should be our national slogan, because even if we disagree as liberals in the way our president has handled the situation he was elected into, we are engaged enough to know what conservatism has done to this country.
Devilstower at DailyKos reminisces about the previous decade also:
Don't forget the naughts, because this decade, no matter what anyone on the right might say, was conservatism on trial. You want less taxes? You got less taxes. You want less regulation? You got less regulation. Open markets? Wide open. An illusuion of security in place of rights? Hey, presto. Think we should privatize war by handing unlimited power given to military contractors so they can kick butt and take names? Kiddo, we passed out boots and pencils by the thousands. Everything, everything, that ever showed up on a drooled-over right wing wish list got implemented -- with a side order of Freedom Fries.
They will try to disown it, and God knows if I was responsible for this mess I'd be disowning it, too. But the truth is that the conservatives got everything they wanted in the decade just past, everything that they've claimed for forty years would make America "great again". They didn't fart around with any "red dog Republicans." They rolled over their moderates and implemented a conservative dream.
What did we get for it? We got an economy in ruins, a government in massive debt, unending war, and the repudiation of the world. There's no doubt that Republicans want you to forget the last decade, because if you remember... if you remember when you went down to the water hole and were jumped by every lunacy that ever emerged from the wet dreams of Grover Norquist and Dick Cheney, well, it's not likely that you'd give them a chance to do it again.
And they will. Given half a chance -- less than half -- they'll do it again, only worse. Because that's the way conservatism works. Remember when the only answer to every economic problem was "cut taxes?" We have a surplus. Good, let's cut taxes. We have a deficit. Hey, cut taxes even more! That little motto was unchanging even when was clear that the tax cuts were increasing the burden on everyone but a wealthy few. That's just a subset of the great conservative battle whine which is now and forever "we didn't go far enough." If deregulation led to a crash, it's because we didn't deregulate enough. If the wars aren't won, it's because we haven't started enough wars. If there are people still clinging to their rights, it's because we haven't done enough to make them afraid.
Forget the naughts, and you'll forget that conservatives had another chance to prove all their ideas, and that their ideas utterly and completely failed. Again.
The point of remembering bad events is to stop them from repeating. So remember, and remind others if they start to forget. Because really, this is one trip to the water hole we can't afford to repeat.
And as Digby points out:
I don't deny that the corporate Democrats are screwed up too. But they didn't invent this political world. As I quipped before, they just learned to stop worrying and love the money. This world of graft and corruption and unfettered greed was the conservative movement's idea of utopia. And they got it.
We won't get fooled again!
Actually some of us weren't fooled the last time.
McInerney Calls for All 18-28 Year Old Muslim Men to Be Strip Searched
Former Lt. General "Goes There": Calls for all Muslim men between 18-28 to be strip searched:
A recent FAUX News Saturday guest, retired Lt. General Thomas McInerney offered a solution to terrorism on American airliners, religious profiling: "If you are an 18-28-year-old Muslim man then you should be strip searched. And if we don't do that there's a very high probability we're going to lose an airline." McInerney's solution is many things (swift and decisive, for instance), but is primarily ignorant of two portions of the US Constitution, The first and fourth amendments.
The FAUX anchor implied that such violations would, and rightfully so, cause unrest: "That's just not going to go over, not in this country," she told McInerney, who simply declared that religious freedom and protection from such profiling through illegal searches were "part of the problem".
As Bob Cesca noted... what could possibly go wrong? Even the Faux newsmodel Julie Banderas was freaked out by the suggestion. I would like to know how the general would determine just who is a Muslim and who is not?
Cause 'unrest' - that is not the term that would apply here.
Census to count ethnic group for first time
Census to count ethnic group for first time
The 2010 tally goes beyond categories such as black, white, American Indian, or even multiracial.
Super telescope discovers hot mysteries
Super telescope discovers hot mysteries
NASA finds two mystery objects that are too hot to be planets and too small to be stars.
Deep freeze sweeps through East, South
Deep freeze sweeps through East, South
Arctic winds push down into Mississippi and Florida, wreaking havoc for residents and farmers.
Advocate uses texting to warn of Arizona crime sweeps
Advocate uses texting to warn of AZ crime sweeps
Staff quits after Alabama congressman switches to repugicans
Staff quits after Alabama congressman switches to repugicans
1,000 people homeless on Solomons after tsunami
Landslides and a tsunami unleashed by a major earthquake destroyed some 200 houses on one Solomon island, leaving about one-third of the population homeless, a disaster management official said Tuesday.
Full storyMan Used Baby As Shield From Taser
A Deltona man is facing child neglect charges after sheriff's deputies said he used an infant to shield himself from a police Taser gun.
Obesity Squashes Quality of Life
Obesity Squashes Quality of Life
Endangered Bluefin Tuna Fetches Record Price at Tokyo Auction
photo: Stewart Butterfield via flickr.
One more quick one on the tragedy of bluefin tuna's trajectory towards extinction: BBC News reports that a single bluefin tuna has been sold for the highest price in the past nine years at a Tokyo fish auction. The 232 kilogram (511 pound) fish fetched 16.28 million yen, or a bit over $175,000:
Exotic stars may mimic big bang
Exotic stars may mimic big bang
Hey Jude Chorus in Newark on January 3, 2010
Well, you burst out in song, of course!
You can find more stuff at joshwilsonmusic.com.
Champion couch potato shatters record
Champion couch potato shatters record
Jorge Cruz tops the previous Ultimate Couch Potato contest record-holder by 19 hours.
Reasons why you're not getting hired
Reasons why you're not getting hired
Employers share the top 10 things that job seekers do to disqualify themselves.
TeaParty.org owner used n-word

Somebody's going to need a hearty teabagging.
And that is the 'real' meaning of teabagging, folks, not these morons 'idea' of what teabagging is.
Tea Strike
On January 20, this country will come to a standstill: Tea Party Planning National Strike.
As President Barack Obama's first year in office draws to a close, Tea Party groups are planning to mark the occasion with a national strike - something local leaders say could demonstrate the conservative groups' burgeoning strength.
The strike, planned for Jan. 20, the first anniversary of Obama's inauguration, is being promoted online through Facebook and Web sites run by various national Tea Party groups.
"What's proposed is a nationwide strike by all Tea Party members, no matter where they are," said Lloyd Rekstad, an organizer of the Yucaipa Tea Party. "The idea is to strike where we are, in our communities, at our employment, to make an impact that will be diverse and spread out."
That would mean, Rekstad said, not going to work, not buying groceries, not going to restaurants or movie theaters.
"You just stay home," he said, "so that the person participating would become, for that one day, a nonentity - that they would give no support to the economy."
The strike even has a Web site: National Strike - January 20, 2010.
Second teen charged in Concord shooting
Authorities have charged a second teen in the shooting death of a 14-year-old Concord boy shot on New Year's Day.
Ceabastian Rojas Hernandez, 18, was arrested Monday and charged with accessory after the fact to first-degree murder in the killing of Oscar Martinez, 14.
The teens lived several houses apart on Melrose Drive, police said.
A 15-year-old was arrested and charged with shooting Martinez on Saturday. Because the suspect is under 16, Concord Police declined to release the alleged shooter's name.
Martinez was shot and killed shortly before 4 p.m. Friday in the parking lot of Dover's Supermarket on Cabarrus Avenue West.
Police have not said what they think led to the shooting.
New Strawberry Crab Discovered Off Coast of Taiwan
From Treehugger:
A newly discovered species of crab gives the expression 'fruit of the sea' a whole new meaning. Photos via AFP/Getty
Marine biologists from the National Taiwan Ocean University discovered a new species of crab off the southern Taiwanese coast. With a bright red shell covered with small white spots, the crab resembles a large strawberry. Scientists at the University say that the newly discovered species is similar to the previously discovered Neoliomera pubescens, which is native to the waters near Hawaii, Polynesia and Mauritius--but has a broader (1 inch), clam-shaped shell that makes it a distinct new species.
5 Modern Abandoned Cities
5. Prypiat, Ukraine
4. Humberstone and Santa Laura, Chile
3. (Parts of) Detroit, Mich.
2. Hashima Island, Japan
1. Centralia, Penn.
Mouse nest found on policeman's filthy desk
Pest controllers were called to an office in Kennington, south London, used by weapons and technology experts at the Metropolitan Police after reports of 'mice everywhere'. According to internal police reports, a family of mice even set up home in one police worker's desk - burying themselves in his paperwork.
Full StoryU.S. court upholds Moussaoui conviction
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit in Richmond rejected an effort by Moussaoui's attorneys to send the case back to federal court in Alexandria, where he pleaded guilty in 2005 to an al-Qaeda conspiracy that led to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Today is ...
There are 360 days left in the year.
Today In History January 5
Today's unusual holidays and celebrations are:
Bean Day
Bird Day
Our Readers
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada
Prague, Hlavni Mesto Praha, Czech Republic
Moscow, Moskva, Russia
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Buenos Aires, Distrito Federal, Argentina
Ankara, Ankara, Turkey
as well as Singapore, and the United States
Daily Horoscope
An elder relative or authority figure who's had their eye on you for a while now is just about ready to let you know how well you've done -- especially based on recent stressful situations that you've passed through with flying colors.
In the meantime, don't ignore someone new and interesting who's due to come along early today, sent by the charming stars to take your mind off of this situation and anything that's even remotely unpleasant.
Cool Beans!