Wingnuts in the 21st Century, from repugicans to
Koch-libertarians have embraced, perpetuated, and transformed Reagan's
extremist language into cabal policy ...
Persecution complex is, in late 20th and 21st
Century America, a perception of hostility and ill-treatment at the
hands of “the other” because of race, political, or religious beliefs,
and is very closely related, if not engendered by, what psychologists
refer to as Victim mentality. Victim mentality is rampant among
evangelicals, white supremacists, and angry wingnuts who acquired
(learned) what they regard as a highly-valued personality trait.
Americans were not always, and did not consider themselves, weak and
terrified victims of imagined negative actions of “the other,” but to
hear them wail and moan, that is certainly the case. This is regardless
there is no clear evidence they have suffered anything and in fact,
have been empowered to persecute and victimize other Americans through
their religious and economic legislative arm; the repugican cabal.
Over the past two years, there has been a
preponderance of reports, surveys, and research documenting America’s
decline in every imaginable measurable category. It does not matter if
it is the middle class’s demise, lower wages, lost pensions, the
nation’s pathetic and crumbling infrastructure, homelessness, child
poverty, gun deaths, or income inequality, all signs point to a very
specific time frame when America began its race to mediocrity within the
third world, and failure to keep pace with developed nations.
Regardless which category America is lagging the rest of the world,
everything points to the election of repugicans’ man-god ronnie raygun
as the beginning of America’s fall and the victim mentality plaguing the
population claiming they are being persecuted.
Wingnuts in the 21st Century, from repugicans
to teabaggers to Koch-libertarians have embraced, perpetuated, and
transformed Reagan’s extremist language into party policy to great
success with their claims that America is destined for a “thousand years
of darkness” unless wingnuts destroy government tyranny.
Government tyranny, by the way, manifest in what Reagan and repugicans
claim are fascism, religious persecution, and liberal social programs
such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, taxes, and
workplace and environmental regulations. All programs that, according to
Reagan and repugicans, amount to stealing from “real Americans” to
give to other non-Americans (read minorities) including every aspect of
the extremely popular New Deal programs. In fact, nearly every repugican anti-government policy embraced by the victim-segment of the
population was inspired by Reagan’s extremist pronouncements.
For example, it was Reagan who embraced the
religio-wingnuts and ushered in their perversion of government and
domestic policies as a christian nation with a warning that “If we ever
forget that we are one nation under dog, then we will be a nation gone
under.” It was also Reagan who inspired the evangelical crusade to
replace the U.S. Constitution with the christian bible with rhetoric
proclaiming that “Within the covers of the bible are all the answers for
all the problems men face.” In fact, although prior to Reagan’s
presidency the religio-wingnuts' stance on contraception and abortion
was that it was a personal medical decision between a woman and her
physician, the United States coven of catholic bishops convinced both
Reagan and evangelicals that all good christians “have the duty to
protect the life of an unborn child” according to Ronald Reagan.
The push to decry education as liberal
indoctrination, oppose science, and reject empirical data today was
initiated by Reagan’s statement that “
They say the world has become
too complex for simple answers. They are wrong. I say there are simple
answers to our problems and they are found within the covers of the
bible.” It is likely why evangelicals
attribute America’s woes from climate change to poverty and an African
American President to the bible’s last days and Armageddon. Science and
economic expertise is too complicated when a simplistic ‘bible’ answer
is close at hand.
However, every repugican policy today is an extension of Reagan’s perpetual
that Americans are persecuted and victims of government; whether
federal, state, county, or local. Every repugican and Koch brother
anti-government utterance over the past six years is directly
attributable to Reagan who spent over a decade warning Americans that
their government existed as a “hostile alien force seeking only to steal
their money to give to “others” and “eradicate their freedoms.” It is
the Paul Ryan “takers versus makers” ideology and Willard Romney’s “47%
moochers” remark that teabaggers and the repugican base embraced as
victims persecuted by the government that takes their poverty wages and
gives them to moocher retirees, Veterans, hungry children, and disabled
This idea is part and parcel of red state wingnuts who blame unemployment, poverty wages, and lack of
healthcare on other Americans laziness, regardless if they work. Reagan
unemployment insurance was nothing more than a “pre-paid vacation for
freeloaders,” and it has been parroted ad nauseum by repugicans over
the past three years. It is stunning, really, but a fair number of
Americans working for companies like Walmart and McDonalds actually
believe they earn poverty wages because other Americans working at
Walmart and McDonalds receive food stamps, Medicaid, or earned income
tax credits provided to “freeloaders” by the hostile government stealing
their money. After over thirty years of hearing repugicans parrot
Reagan’s assertion that “Government is not the solution to our problem;
government is the problem,” and that “Government does not solve
problems; it creates them,” it is little wonder repugicans are able to
campaign, and steal elections, on the promise of eliminating the source of their
base’s misery; the government.
Many Americans are perplexed as to why low intellect
Americans, predominately in the bible-belt and red states, consistently
vote against their own best interests; often with full knowledge they
will increase their own suffering. It is due in great part to their
persecution complex and victim mentality as well as their inherent
stupidity. However, for over thirty years repugicans have pounded into
their pea-brains that until Reagan wingnuts destroy the government,
hand the nation to corporatists, and replace the Constitution with the christian bible, they will be victims of “a hostile alien force” intent
on persecuting them with fascist programs such as food stamps, Social
Security, minimum wage, Medicare, Medicaid, roads, and schools.
There has never been a greater anti-government
movement as the repugican, teabagger, and Koch brother crusade
Americans are witnessing today, but like America’s decline into
mediocrity, it all began in earnest with repugican man-turned-god ronnie raygun. An evil demented man-god and horrid B-movie actor who dutifully read a
John Birch Society anti-government script and basically transformed an
entire generation of Americans into victims of the repugican cabal; not
the government.