Neil de Grasse Tyson, a forward thinking and intelligent man
disabused creationists of the idea they will ever get equal time on
Cosmos when he said, "You don’t talk about the spherical Earth with NASA, and then say let’s give equal time to the flat Earthers."
In a criminal trial when a defense lawyer is faced with overwhelming
witness testimony and evidentiary documentation their client is guilty,
they resort to sowing doubt in the jury’s mind in hopes one juror will
vote for acquittal because they are not certain facts of the case are
completely true. The concept of sowing doubt is a favorite method of
religio-wingnut creationists to disprove scientific facts supporting
evolutionary theory by convincing observers that science is questionable
and their religious mythos explaining natural phenomenon based on
supernatural phenomenon is true and unquestionable.
The success of Fox’s science documentary series “Cosmos” has so
rattled creationists unable to cast doubt on de Grasse Tyson’s
methodical presentation of fact-based information about the Universe
that creationists are demanding equal time on the program. Their goal is
simple; cast doubt on empirical scientific data about how the Universe
and life on Earth came into existence using archaic mythology they claim
refutes science and proves the creation myth is fact. Fortunately, de
Grasse Tyson, a forward thinking and intelligent man disabused
creationists of the idea they will ever get equal time on Cosmos when he
said, “
You don’t talk about the spherical Earth with NASA, and then say let’s give equal time to the flat Earthers."
There is no way a noted scientist is going to give equal time to
ancient mythology to waste time when he could be presenting science.
The creationists claim their supernatural mythology will give the
scientific documentary “balance” about how the Universe began and
operates by giving equal weight to the bible story and convince viewers
to question science and consider facts “might” be false. It is
impossible to balance science, a systematic enterprise building and
organizing knowledge in the form of testable explanations about the
universe, with religious faith based on trust in the supernatural.
Delusion is often used as a conceptual synonym for hope, but it is also a handy
excuse for “
the bible is fact and there is no proof, but I believe it anyway”
crowd to support their inability to accept reality. This dizzying
belief was best exhibited by creationist Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis
notoriety who claimed he believes the creation story so strongly that
nothing can change his mind exposing him as a superstitious moron with
no interest in truth.
Some of the criticism of de Grasse Tyson by creationists’ at “Answers in Genesis” were that “
aren’t even on the radar screen for them, they wouldn’t even consider
us plausible at all; I don’t recall seeing any interviews with people.” Ken Ham asserted that science presented on Cosmos is wrong and that “
the big bang model is unable to explain many scientific observations, but this is of course not mentioned.” The beauty of science is that it does not explain anything that is unobserved. As an aside, last week a
major new scientific discovery just
provided “
smoking gun” evidence for “
that is a crucial component of scientists’ understanding of the
incredibly stunning events that happened just after the Big Bang.
During an appearance on the Janet Mefferd Show,
Answers In Genesis and Creation Museum spokesman Danny Faulkner
criticized de Grasse Tyson and Cosmos for not providing equal airtime
for creationists to balance scientific facts with bible mythos. Mefferd
agreed that de Grasse Tyson had no interest in being fair and balanced
“Boy, but when you have so many scientists who simply
do not accept Darwinian evolution it seems to me that that might be
something to throw in there, you know, the old, ‘some scientists say
this, others disagree and think this,’ but that’s not even allowed.” Faulkner completely agreed with Mefferd and said
, “Consideration of special creation is definitely not open for discussion it would seem.” For the record, Mefferd’s
“so many scientists” remark does not comport with the fact that evolutionary theory is nearly universally
with 97% of all scientists acknowledging the Universe, Earth, and all
life on Earth did not begin 6,000 years ago as creationists claim.
Any semi-intelligent human being understands there are not always two
sides to every story just because someone mired in delusion and ancient
mythology does not agree with something science has proven beyond a
shadow of a doubt. De Grasse Tyson stated, as plainly as possible, that “
The theory of evolution, like the theory of gravity, is a scientific fact.” The creationists still cannot understand what “scientific theory” means,
but Tyson’s simile makes the point that even creationists believe
gravity is real and not as they claim evolution is, just a theory and
unproven. If the think gravity is just a theory, they should step off
the top of Empire State Building to prove the “theory” of gravity is
just an unproven idea postulated by some crazed liberal scientist.
This bizarre idea of using religious myth to sow doubt in the
public’s mind is used to great effect by repugicans to deny global
climate change they claim is a devious “liberal hoax” perpetrated by
scientists of questionable repute. In fact, wingnuts are already
bashing Tyson as a global warming proponent and hope to garner support
by claiming he is attacking the religious people. Jeffrey Meyer, writing
for Media Research Center, criticized de Grasse Tyson’s appearance on Late Night With Seth Myers by asserting “
and de Grasse Tyson chose to take cheap shots at religious people and
claim they don’t believe in science i.e. liberal causes like global
warming.” Tyson has been very careful, sadly, to not take shots,
cheap or otherwise, at religious people in spite of their rejection of
science for belief in archaic mythology.
The repugicans in states have joined with creationists to sow doubt
about evolutionary theory, the very foundation of modern biology, by
inserting the bible creation story of human creation as one of two sides
that warrant competing time in science classes. It is precisely the
same tactic creationists are attempting by demanding that Cosmos give
them equal time to use religious myth to balance scientific fact that is
equally absurd assertion repugicans use to undermine the teaching of evolution in public
schools, or to shift taxpayer money to private religious schools to sell
parental choice for a fair and balanced education” for their children.
The creationists are never going to get equal time to peddle the bible as
a counterbalance to science because Cosmos is a science program and
creationism is a religious myth. Cosmos or de Grasse Tyson do not have
to show balance, particularly the when creationists’ “balance” is
presented by those who assert a few verses in the bible are science.
Creationism does not meet any criteria to be considered “scientifically
viable” regardless how often creationists say “the bible says” god
created the Universe and life 6,000 years ago. De Grasse Tyson attempted
to give creationists and science deniers an easy out by telling them “
there is no shame in admitting you do not know something,” and implicitly condemned their faith-based stupidity by asserting “
that the real shame is pretending to know everything.”
Some pundits claim de Grasse Tyson is dismantling the creationist
movement with each episode, and although the program may enlighten a new
generation to how scientific discovery explains how the Universe and
life on Earth came into existence, it will not change one creationist’s
mind. Despite reams of scientific data over several decades proving
evolutionary theory is scientific fact, and several court rulings that
creationism is nothing but religious myth, creationists are determined
as ever to deny scientific reality. They will continue demanding equal
time to sow doubt about scientific data with bible stories, use repugicans to insert creation instruction in schools to cast doubt on
evolutionary theory, and claim Earth is 6,000 years old to deny the
climate is changing to the detriment of human existence, and it is all
portrayed as presenting balance.