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The place where the world comes together in honesty and mirth.
Windmills Tilted, Scared Cows Butchered, Lies Skewered on the Lance of Reality ... or something to that effect.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Thought for the Day

Why is it that those who indulge in childish games always think everyone else indulges in them as well?


Anonymous said...

Because that's all they know and can't fathom any other reality.

Or, as grandpa used to tell us kids, "Jest tell them sons-a-bitches that everytime thye point thier g-damned finger at you, they've got three pointing right back at them!"


Shane Fox said...

Because that's all they know, they can't fathom any other reality.

Or as grandpa used to say, "Jest tell the sons-a-bitches that every time they point a g-damned finger at you, they've got three pointing right back at themselves".