She estimated she was 30 feet out onto the pond and the water was over
her head. She said it was cold but she didn't feel it since she was in
"He told me he saw me go down with the Gator and some ropes and he saw
me go (fall) in," she said.
"How do you say thank you to somebody who risked his own life?" asked
Abrahamsen, who now has 66 alpacas at Alpaca Galazy Suri Ranch.
The three alpacas, Lolita, Morningstar and Kharites, did not survive,
but she said that their bodies had been recovered. And while it was sad
to lose her animals, she said her brother was able to harvest the meat and hides.
Since her husband passed away, she's been in the process of trying to
sell 90 percent of her herd. She currently raises the animals for their fiber and also shows them.
Abrahamsen said she was evicted from her farm in March 2015.
"So here I am homeless with 70 alpacas, three dogs and two horses," she
Among the kind strangers Abrahamsen met after her husband's death was a
woman Sandra Whatman who she quickly connected with because her husband
also died. The woman began helping at the farm and took in Abrahamsen
and all her animals.
Abrahamsen said she also wished to thank three emergency rescue
personnel from Bellville-Jefferson Fire Department who arrived in time
to assist her at the house.
She said alpacas have never been known to wander onto icy ponds but for
some reason they did.
She did not know how deep the water was when she went out to attempt to
rescue her animals.
"I wasn't thinking and I thought one of them was standing in the water
but it turned out she was treading water," she said.
Kochhesier later told Abrahamsen that when he climbed the fence at the
property to get to her quickly, he got quite the shock, because it's
electrified to keep the animals in. He also admitted to her afterwards that he doesn't swim.

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