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Friday, July 30, 2010

Lunatic Fringe

Lunatic Fringe
When dealing with wingnuts ... Remember the rule: 
If they accuse someone of something, then they're already guilty of it.
Yet again no comment is necessary - these morons keep insisting on proving how stupid they are ... as if we needed reminding.
Liars and Fools

♦  On Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee's TV show, UberChristian author Tim LaHaye discusses how Obama is bringing about Armageddon.

♦  Former Congressman and inexplicably omnipresent Republican spokesman Newt Gingrich (R-Georgia) says supporters of religious freedom are "hostile to our civilization".

♦  Syndicated right-wing radio talker Jim Quinn compares health care reform to "what Hitler did".

♦  On Michael Savage's nationally syndicated radio program, arch-right smear man Andrew Breitbart says the Obama administration has a "clear cut strategy to use race".

♦  Fox Nation erupts in threats of violence over Arizona immigration ruling.

♦  Radio mouth Rush Limbaugh says "liberalism" is the sole cause of the economic crisis.

♦  Syndicated radio ranter Michael Savage says Obama administration is "the most racially divisive administration in history".

♦  Ron Ramsey, Republican candidate for Governor of Tennessee, says he's not sure the constitutional freedom of religion includes Islam.

♦  Syndicated right-wing radio talker Jim Quinn says Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is "as much of an America-hater as anybody else on the left".

♦  Fox's Glenn Beck says Obama administration is motivated by ideas "in direct contradiction to what our founders wished".

♦  Talking heads on Fox News propose that low income Americans shouldn't be allowed to vote.

♦  Rush Limbaugh, America's most listened-to political pundit, says Obama and his supporters "have an active, ongoing, and increasing dislike of this country".

♦  Fox's Glenn Beck repeats antique, long-debunked claim that reformed 1960s radical Bill Ayers is in Obama administration's "policy circles".

♦  Iowa Republican Party officially endorses amendment to strip Obama’s citizenship because he won the Nobel Peace Prize.


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