Instead of celebrating horrid B-movie actor Ronald Reagan's birthday
Americans should reflect, deeply regret, and grieve that they and their
parents foolishly gave a bad actor the power to…
Most people understand, and conform to, the unspoken
rule that it is bad form to defame, demean, or demonize a religious coven’s deity; even in a nation that guarantees the right of free
speech. However, if the deity’s existence is the primary source of a
free nation’s slide into theocracy and fascism so inherently dangerous
to its population, then one cannot possibly allow proper decorum to get
in the way of the truth about a god no matter the particular religion.
Although in most religions deities do not have a beginning, much less a
birthday, the wingnut religion’s god was born 104 years ago.
Instead of celebrating horrid B-movie actor Ronald Reagan’s birthday,
Americans should reflect, deeply regret, and grieve that they and their
parents foolishly gave a bad actor the power to set in motion America’s
thirty-year march toward theocracy and corporate fascism. A march
today’s wingnut religion is closer to enacting than ever before.
Whether any American is willing to admit it or not,
Ronald Reagan was the catalyst for, and exemplar of, the 21st Century
extremist neo-conservative movement including the radical teabagger,
theocratic, fascist, and anti-government factions wreaking havoc on
America’s population. Most wingnuts hold up Reagan as the epitome
of an American patriot because they need a heroic figure to justify
their anti-American agenda, but at no time in America’s history was any
politician, much less a president of the United States, so unpatriotic
as to actively work toward the demise of America’s government;
especially one he campaigned to preside over. Everything repugicans
have been working to achieve over the past thirty-plus years has been
the pursuit to advance Reagan’s assertions that government is inherently
evil, robs Americans of their freedom, not of the christian bible, and a
particularly evil entity that must be replaced with corporate fascism
and theocracy.
Reagan said often that “Government is source of
all of Americans’ problems, and that if we ever forget that we are One
Nation Under dog, then we will be a nation gone under. Within the covers
of the bible are all the answers for all the problems men face.” He also asserted that only by electing anti-government wingnuts can “we
preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or
we will sentence them to a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at
least let our children and our children’s children say of us we
justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.”
Obviously, since Reagan was pretender, repugicans have done nearly
everything that could, or can, be done to decimate America’s secular
democracy and they openly boast that the entire foundation of their
anti-government crusade began with Ronald Reagan’s junta. It is why
in the wingnut religion he is god.
It is true that once in office Reagan drifted, if only slightly, away from his extremely radical “anti-government” crusade and the hateful rhetoric that got him elected, but by then the damage was done. It is that “anti-America”
rhetoric that today’s wingnut movement has embraced as their
raison d’être and drives their ambitious war against government, any
government, that may work for the people. It is also true that despite
his extremist anti-government oratory, repugicans deny that once in
office after cutting taxes on the wealthy from 70% to 28%, Reagan had to
raise taxes 11 times to prevent bankrupting the government. Still, his insane tax cuts and obscene military spending tripled
the national deficit as well as increased the size of the same
government he claimed was sheer tyranny devised to kill the American
people’s freedoms.
The repugicans also choose to forget that their great
American war-patriot they claim inspired fear around the world cut and
run after terrorists killed 241 U.S. Marines in a bomb attack in Beirut,
Lebanon. However, what they have never forgotten is the preponderance
of Reagan’s hateful and toxic anti-government rhetoric targeting the
American people and any government program that helped the middle class
and the poor. It is rhetoric they continue to adhere to today and why
they, as Mitch McConnell pledged to the Koch
brothers, are “going after the federal government, all of it” to hasten its demise and usher in the religious and corporate fascism they lust to impose on Americans.
The repugicans, the Kochs, and all manner of wingnuts have, nearly word for word, used Reagan’s anti-government
criticism to attack federal government programs and the Americans who
benefit from them. It was their man-god Reagan who first claimed that “Americans’ liberties are being extinguished by tyrannical programs forced on the people by fascist liberals”
despite that they helped all Americans of every ethnicity, economic
class, and age demographic. For example, Reagan habitually described
poor Americans dependent on Medicaid, or retired Americans dependent on
Medicare for healthcare, as “a faceless mass waiting for handouts.”
The persistent repugican claim today that despite losing their jobs
during the shrub-repugican Great Recession, out-of-work Americans are
inherently lazy came directly from Reagan who said that “Unemployment insurance is a pre-paid vacation for freeloaders.” The repugicans repeated that line last year to justify not extending
unemployment benefits for the long-term unemployed; benefits that have
not, and never will be, reinstated. Especially since the Koch brothers
bought control of Congress for Reagan repugicans.
The constant refrain from the Koch brothers and repugicans that Americans’ freedoms are being destroyed by government,
any government, programs came directly from Reagan. He claimed loudly
and often that “Fascism was the basis for all New Deal programs”
including Social Security, workplace safety laws, the 40-hour work
week, minimum wage, child labor laws, and particularly any program
helping the elderly have security in their old age. It is why in wingnut circles those programs are illegitimate, unconstitutional,
dangerous, and existential threats to Americans’ liberty because they
are borne of “liberal fascist thinking” and not what
conservatives claim are Reagan’s “rugged American individualism,” and
why there is a concerted conservative rush to eliminate them. It is
noteworthy that Reagan’s vilification of government programs and
agencies as fascism and tyranny is the foundation of the John Birch
agenda driving the Kochs’ “vision for America;” a vision that repugicans are working tirelessly to advance to fruition as
remuneration for buying control of Congress.
If Ronald Reagan was alive today, based on what some historians label as his “moderate conservative policies”
as president, he would be vilified by the repugican establishment as a
heretic and ejected from the party with extreme prejudice. Despite his
radical pronouncements, Reagan did not advocate privatizing or
eliminating Social Security, supported full federal funding of Medicaid
and Medicare, supported gun safety laws, and is the only president to
grant true amnesty to millions of Hispanic immigrants; acts that would
earn him the death sentence in wingnut circles today. In fact, the
Koch brothers, neo-conservatives, teabaggers, theocrats, and
corporatists would literally crucify and draw-and-quarter Reagan in
public today for the same reason the religio-wingnuts would kill jesus christ on sight if he appeared preaching love, tolerance, and charity
for other human beings.
However, all manner of wingnuts would bow down
and do obeisance if Reagan materialized and delivered even a fraction of
his radical and extremist oratory that 21st Century wingnuts have
embraced as if they were uttered directly from the mouth of dog. It is
telling that it is Reagan’s hateful, vindictive, radical, extremist, and
anti-American rhetoric that has earned him god-status with wingnuts and why repugicans are the only fascist threat to
America; something every American should demonize Ronald Reagan for on
his birthday despite the fact he is the wingnut religion’s god.
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